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Hub Information


We accept children ages 4 to 18

We do accept neurodivergent children, however we are not able to manage severe behavioral challenges.


Parents are invited to join certain activities, although our main focus is on building peer relationships and self-led learning. On Fridays, we have a shortened day with a planned parent/child activity.


We will attempt to include all children as much as possible. Our hub includes self-led learning within the context of available activities.  We also aim to provide freedom for the older children to explore the local area while accounting for their comfort and maturity levels.


In regards to the schedule, we will encourage kids to spend more time on activities that interest them which is why the schedule is flexible. 


We are not a school and we do not stick to a strict schedule. We allow for freedom and exploration on the children's time while also sticking to a basic framework for activities.



  • $600 USD for first child, $540 per sibling

  • What is Included?

    • Accomodation Organization Assistance 

    • Taxi Organization from Agadir

    • Children’s Activities from 10 AM to 3 PM, Monday - Friday for 4 weeks

    • Snacks and Lunch Monday - Friday for 4 weeks

    • Materials/Supplies

    • Childcare for sole parents during Mom’s/Dad’s Night Out

    • Local Field Trips for kids

    • Family Educational Time (children can share what they learned and educate adults)

  • What is Not Included?

    • Flights

    • Accommodations (we will provide economical options with local landlords)

    • Mom’s/Dad’s Night Out

    • Transportation to and from Mirleft

    • Any other food or activities

    • Optional Saturday Group Trips

      • Legzira

      • Taghazout/Souk l’Had


How to Book

  • Please reach out to either Aliyah Santos or Hassnae Iguid.

  • We will be happy to schedule a one-on-one call with you and your family to answer any questions you might have.

  • 40% deposit is required to hold your child(ren)’s spot(s).

  • Deposit is accepted via PayPal, Wise, Revolut….let us know what works for you.

  • Once deposit has been paid, we will send you a registration form.

  • We will add you to a group chat with the other participants.

  • Final invoices sent out 45 days before the hub, balance is due 15 days before hub.



  • We are currently booking for 3 Spring dates:

  • February 1st to March 1st, 2025

  • March 31st to April 27th, 2025

  • May 4th to May 31st, 2025

  • Our children's activities are held from 10 AM to 3 PM on Monday through thursday, and 10 AM to 12 PM on Fridays for 4 weeks.​


Activity Examples

  • Monday

    • Souk

    • Morning Cave exploration and secret beach

    • Lunch

    • Darija

    • Craft

  • Tuesday

    • Beach time

    • Crabbing/Fishing

    • Tea Pouring competition

    • Lunch

    • Henna

  • Wednesday

    • Photo Scavenger Hunt around Mirleft

    • Lunch

    • Hammam visit

  • Thursday

    • Family Beach games

    • Moroccan cooking class (tagine)

    • Berber Music class

  • Friday

    • Teen Free Friday/Kickboxing

    • Lunch

    • Legzira Trip

  • Monday

    • Souk

    • Msemen making

    • Darija

    • Lunch

    • Association Amud projects

  • Tuesday

    • Leather-making

    • Lunch

    • Electric project

  • Wednesday

    • Teens leather-making/Traditional Moroccan games

    • Lunch

    • New Beach exploration/Labrynth building

  • Thursday

    • Planting community garden

    • Lunch

    • Mosque visit

  • Friday

    • Sahara Day: Melhafs and Saharawi cooking lesson

    • Lunch

    • Sand art

    • Saharawi music


Contact Information

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